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The new technology has increased the production speed of single crystal graphene by 150 times
2017-11-18 15:49:33
The new technology has increased the production speed of single crystal graphene by 150 times
In a paper published in nature nanotechnology, Chinese scientists say they have made a breakthrough in the preparation of single-crystal graphene. By adjusting and improving the chemical vapor deposition method (CVD), they increased the production speed of graphene films 150 times. The new study lays the foundation for the large-scale application of graphene. Graphene is made of the carbon atoms in only one atom thick layer of two-dimensional crystal materials, on the electrical, optical, mechanical strength excellent properties, make its in areas such as electronics, solar cells, sensor has many potential applications. Although the demand is huge, but its preparation speed is slow, the utilization rate has been hovering around 25%, becoming the bottleneck that restricts its access to practical application. At present, high quality graphene is prepared in addition to strip stripping, silicon carbide or metal surface epitaxial growth method, mainly chemical vapor deposition method. However, it still takes a long time to produce single-crystal graphene films through CVD technology, and it takes at least one day to prepare a single crystal graphene film for a square centimeter. In the new study, researchers at the university and the Hong Kong university of science and technology Beijing, China has developed a new technology, the process can be from 0.4 microns per second speed up to 60 microns per second, 150 times faster. The trick, however, is to add a little oxygen directly to the copper foil. The researchers say the oxide substrate releases oxygen in temperatures as high as 800 degrees Celsius during chemical vapor deposition. The continuous supply of oxygen increases the growth rate of graphene. They confirmed this by electronic spectroscopy, but measurements suggest that the amount of oxygen, though released, is small. The researchers explained that this could have a trapping effect in the very narrow space between the oxide substrate and the copper foil, thereby increasing the use efficiency of oxygen. In the experiment, the researchers were able to produce 0.3mm single-crystal graphene in just five seconds. The researchers say the study is significant for the graphene industry. The production of graphene through this technology will be able to use the higher efficiency volume to the roll process. The increase in production and the decline in costs will further expand the use of graphene and stimulate the growth of its demand.

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