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New progress in new materials for medical implants!
2017-11-18 16:59:07
New progress in new materials for medical implants!
The demand for high-intensity biodegradable materials is increasing in the medical market. Some 8.9 million fractures are reported annually, while the global market for medical technology, worth 300 billion euros, is growing at a rate of 6% a year. In the global healthcare market, the us has the largest share of the market, about 40 per cent, followed by Europe and Japan. American companies are also major players in the global medical implant technology.
The first step towards regenerative medicine
Currently, the Medical Devices Project House in Birmingham, ala., is conducting research on Medical biodegradable implants. "Our long-term goal is regenerative medicine," said Dr Andreas Karau, the project director, who employs more than 20 experts. We hope to replace damaged human tissues by bioabsorbing implants to regenerate healthy tissue. The current research on biodegradable composite materials is the first step in this direction.
"Our lead in the polylactic acid base polymer has laid a good foundation for the development of regenerative medicine materials and solutions." Dr. Andreas Karau explained. The polymer breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. The degradation time depends on their molecular composition, chain length and crystallinity, ranging from a few weeks to a few months, providing sufficient regeneration time for bone or other tissues.
Dispense with the patient's trouble with the implant
Currently, medical device manufacturers use RESOMER polymers, which are sold by the health care division, to make bioabsorbable fracture fixation screws, pins and splints. These are mainly used for ligaments that are used to tear the knee or shoulder, as well as the fixation of small bones in the fingers or face.
Ordinary metal implants usually stay in the body after the patient recovers, and the patient needs additional surgery to remove them. The implant, made from biodegradable composite materials, can gradually be absorbed by the body in the process of bone healing. These materials include polymers and substances that are naturally present in the bones.
The research is still in its infancy -- but the benefits it brings to patients are already apparent. Patients will no longer need additional surgery to remove implants. Specific device designs can also help the bones regenerate quickly
Biodegradable composite materials need to be improved
However, Dr Andreas Karau said: "at the moment, the materials we have obtained are not strong enough to be applied in the large, bearing bones." Researchers at the institute of medical device research are exploring biodegradable polymers that can be enhanced with inorganic substances such as calcium phosphate derivatives. These additives not only enhance the material's toughness, but also improve the biocompatibility of materials.
"As the polymer breaks down, calcium and phosphate can be absorbed by the body and form new bone tissue." Dr. Andreas Karau added.
3D printing + biodegradable materials achieve personalized customization
The researchers also hope to use 3D printing to tailor implants for individual patients. How to make biodegradable polymers adapt to additive manufacturing is also the object of their research.
Dr Andreas Karau added: "we hope to develop polymer scaffolds that can be reproduced in living cells - creating real biological implants." This allows the cartilage to regenerate, such as replacing damaged heart tissue with a healthy tissue. However, researchers must first find ways to improve the biocompatibility of materials.
The Birmingham institute of medical equipment project scientists have partly came from evonik division Creavis strategic innovation, and from materials business line of health care and performance of polymer experts work closely.
The research team at the institute of medical equipment also studied biodegradable plastics that had won the product line of VESTAKEEP implants. Currently, the winning medical technology products include RESOMER and VESTAKEEP implants and VESTAMID health polyamide resin for forming catheters and similar products.

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