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China chemical industry overseas merger and acquisition never stops our country plastic machine industry is rising
2017-11-20 10:17:10
China chemical industry overseas merger and acquisition never stops our country plastic machine industry is rising
China chemical corporation is expected to buy German rubber giant kraussmaffei group for 925 million euros. The move would strengthen China's position in the global plastic machinery market. Since then, China is not only the world's largest market for plastic machinery, but it will also be an important developer and operator of some of the world's leading technologies, according to industry sources. In the chemical industry overseas m&a will never stop The molding machine industry in our country is rising China's chemical industry is in the original chemical organized on the basis of subordinate enterprises of state-owned enterprises, was founded in 2004, headquartered in Beijing, in 150 countries and regions have a production, research and development base and marketing system, is China's largest chemical companies, the world top 500 ranked 265th, global chemical industry ranked ninth, major in material science, life science, high-end manufacturing and basic chemical fields. In the high-end manufacturing area, the Chinese chemical equipment company's rubber and plastic machinery and chemical machinery business are active in the domestic market. Sinochem has been actively pursuing overseas acquisitions in recent years, and its overseas expansion has never stopped, even in the midst of a downturn. Previously, chemchina had successfully acquired eight leading companies in France, the UK, Israel and Italy. Sinochem is in talks to buy Singapore rubber company HalcyonAgri. For sinochem, this is not just an acquisition of another company, but a national dimension. China's industry executives see the acquisition as an important move to internationalise the industry. In 2007, China produced 16 percent of the world's plastic machinery. In 2011, thanks to rapid domestic growth and foreign investment, it made up 30 percent of the global production model and surpassed Germany to become the biggest manufacturer of molding machines. These figures suggest that China's plastic machinery industry is on the rise. Although China also has homegrown technology, the gap between Chinese plastic machinery and imported high-end machinery exists mainly in non-high-end markets. While it may be too soon to talk about the success of the acquisition, it marks China's efforts to move upmarket.

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