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India is demanding tariffs on Chinese plastics
2017-11-21 10:49:13
India is demanding tariffs on Chinese plastics
Plastic industry in India is to the government improve the import duties on a range of products, said the government should protect local companies from damage of manufacturing of products, especially from southeast Asia and China imports of plastic products.
Plastic manufacturers association India in India plastic exhibition held in the near future, during a news conference to disclose, they want the government to plastic products (including import duties on consumer products and home products, etc.) from 10% to 15%.
The industry group also wants the government to lift anti-dumping duties on imports of plastic machinery, including the current high tariffs on Chinese imported plastic injection machines.
The association says the tax on plastic machines has raised costs and damaged the interests of indigenous plastic processing companies in India.
Senior officials said they hoped their proposal would be supported by the new cabinet of prime minister moody's, which has launched a "made in India" campaign to support India's manufacturing sector.
The association has proposed to moody's that it will make a key adjustment in the forthcoming budget, the first big budget since he took office last year, to raise import taxes on plastic products.
The association Arvind Mehta on February 5-10 India in Gandhinagar plastic show "plastic news" interview said: "now imports of plastic products, such as from southeast Asian countries and China."
He said China was a "major" concern, but the industry also noted that many imports came from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Although the association did not provide more details on the proposal, but in its focus on the report submitted to the government's budget, hope "will plastic products import taxes to 15%, the small and medium-sized enterprises is very important for the protection of India."
Part of the problem, he says, is that the Indian plastics industry is small, with fewer than 50 employees and a lack of global competitiveness.
While the industry is already integrating, the association wants more government assistance because they believe that the growth in imports has weakened the local processing industry. Most of its 2,500 member companies come from the processing industry.
But in terms of mechanical tariffs, the association's attitude is quite the opposite. It wants the government to lift the anti-dumping duty on chinese-made plastic machines.
"There is no need to impose a high anti-dumping duty on injection machines," the report said. "small and medium-sized Indian enterprises need to obtain affordable technologies."
Because India's domestic machine industry is too small to supply equipment fast enough, antidumping of foreign plastic machines could harm the growth of India's plastic manufacturing industry.
But India's anti-dumping duty on Chinese plastic machines has been in place since 2009. The industry also wants to raise anti-dumping duties on imports of plastic machines from China, Taiwan, the Philippines and Malaysia.
India's plastics machinery manufacturers association says imported plastic machines are being dumped in India unfairly, a move that has hurt the local machinery industry. The government has not yet decided whether to accept the proposed extension of the anti-dumping duties
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