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Mexico's plastics industry is struggling
2017-11-14 9:08:53
Mexico's plastics industry is struggling
Industry analysts say that Mexico's petrochemical industry will usher in a new era in 2015. The development of the Mexican plastics industry in 2015 will be affected by the following factors.
These factors are: international oil prices rising, the U.S. economy, Mexico consumerism, federal and local legislative elections, BraskemIdesa EthyleneXXI petrochemical general factory start-up company, the transformation of Mexico's state oil company (Pemex), etc. Whether these factors will have a positive impact on the Mexican plastics industry, the factors above must be resolved.
Oil prices. If the oil price has dropped to 20 - $30 a barrel, this will drive consumption enthusiasm and industrial production, in the United States and Mexico's GDP and government financial impact, need to find a balance between. Personally, the current decline is more beneficial than bad for the Mexican plastics industry.
The U.S. economy. As for the U.S. economy, the U.S. economy grew 5 percent in the third quarter of 2014, the first such jump since 2003 and, unilaterally, the U.S. economy has been beneficial.
Domestic consumption. Mexico in 2015 will continue to usher in food, beverage, clothing, hardware, auto parts retail sales growth season, such as plastic products suppliers (from packaging to components) will benefit from this.
Negative factor: Mexico's election could trigger a plastic ban. An open election of 1,100 federal and local seats in the summer of 2015 will increase the risk of a ban. Some lawmakers have tried to disable certain plastic products, such as PE bags, EPS cups and even PET bottles. If they ignore the risks, or that can be solved from the threat of regulation, could lead to Mexico plastic at a position similar to that of the 2009 and 2010, was part of the plastic industry faces a serious crisis.
Is located in the southernmost tip of North America, Mexico is three North America free trade area (the United States, Canada, Mexico), one of each other between the zero tariff policy for Mexico's development has laid a good foundation. In North America, mainly plastic packaging production the plastic packing product sales reached $43 billion, 33% of the world's plastic market share, and market the average annual growth rate of close to 10% in Mexico. And it is expected to grow by 9-10% a year over the next few years. About 43 percent of its plastic products are made in bottles or packaging, while others are used in packaging, construction, furniture, toys and agriculture.

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